Startup Wise Guys wraps up Growth Ukraine accelerator programme to support innovative startups

Startup Wise Guys wraps up Growth Ukraine accelerator programme to support innovative startups

Published: 30-04-2024 07:09:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 1764 | Tags:

Startup Wise Guys, a European startup accelerator, has wrapped up the Growth Ukraine programme, aimed to support innovative private sector companies and entrepreneurs operating in Ukraine.

The 12 chosen startups have a total of 319 employees mostly based in Ukraine, generate over €550K in monthly revenue and have raised more than €2 million in funding. The programme was a pivotal experience for the scaleups.

Yaroslav Kologryvov, Co-founder and CBDO, PLATMA: ''Our participation in the Startup Wise Guys and EBRD acceleration program was truly transformative for PLATMA. The guidance, mentorship, and resources provided propelled us to new heights in our mission to revolutionize digital transformation for businesses. Through the program, we strengthened our market position, expanded our global footprint, and secured strategic partnerships. The acceleration program served as a catalyst for our growth and innovation, solidifying our leadership in the digital transformation space. We are grateful for the invaluable support and are excited for the future as we continue to drive meaningful impact and deliver exceptional value to our customers and partners worldwide.''
The Growth Ukraine programme was recognised as Ukraine's best acceleration programme in 2023 – and supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund as a donor.

The four-month acceleration initiative was exclusively designed for Ukrainian scaleups to amplify their business footprint in Europe and globally. The selected startups went through an elaborate programme that included business diagnostics, intensive sprint weeks focused on performance, market engineering and product design, and guidance from coaching and mentoring.

Mariia Tintul, Managing Director, Growth Ukrain programme and Head of Business Development, Startup Wise Guys: ''We were looking for a practical way to help Ukrainian businesses. While the words of support are still loud, we do need more businesses all over the world to take action. Business-to-business practice is our way to boost the economic recovery and resilience of the Ukrainian business. This program has enabled networking with both businesses, corporates, and investors all over Europe, opening doors for the 12 selected scaling startups.''

Alex Pivovarsky, Director of Capital and Financial Markets Development, EBRD: ''We are pleased to have supported the Growth Ukraine acceleration programme in partnership with Startup Wise Guys. This initiative has once again shown the resilience of Ukraine's tech sector and its vital role in the country's post-war recovery and reconstruction. We are very proud to assist talented Ukrainian entrepreneurs in unlocking new business opportunities, and we wish them success. We are grateful for the support of TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund, which has long aided our efforts to foster growth through innovation and private sector development across the EBRD region.''