Las Olas Venture Capital invests in to modernize global supply chains

Las Olas Venture Capital invests in to modernize global supply chains

Published: 15-02-2022 11:26:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 5145 | Tags:

Las OIas Venture Capital (LOVC), announced its third Fund II investment in to modernize the global supply chains.

Leverage, a supply chain and logistics tech company based in New York, NY, offers an AI-driven vendor relationship management platform that streamlines communication, collaboration, reporting, insights and more into a singular cloud platform. By automating and consolidating critical functions within supply chain management, the Leverage platform enables businesses to maximize efficiency and profitability.

Co-founders Andrew Stroup and Nadav Ullman previously worked together on Project N95, where they realized that no platform existed to manage supply chain visibility and answer the simple question, "where's my stuff?" Instead, supply chain teams use manual and fragmented workflows, such as spreadsheets, phone calls, and emails, to manage their purchase orders and communication with suppliers. Not only does this lead to poor organizational visibility, but it also creates out of stock issues, scaling challenges, and an increase in overhead. Leverage solves these inefficiencies by integrating all this information into one centralized and AI-powered cloud platform that gives businesses a full picture of their supply chain.

This investment will allow Leverage to accelerate product development and expand their team across engineering, marketing, and sales.

Mark Volchek, Founding Partner, LOVC: "We're incredibly excited to partner with the entire Leverage team. We believe that their platform provides an end-to-end solution that will transform an industry in dire need of technological disruption."