CharmHealth calls for proposals for its 2024 Innovation Challenge to support healthtech innovators

CharmHealth calls for proposals for its 2024 Innovation Challenge to support healthtech innovators

Published: 26-07-2024 11:46:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 1354 | Tags:

CharmHealth, a pioneer in healthcare technology solutions for providers, has called for proposals for its 2024 Innovation Challenge to support healthtech innovators.

This annual competition welcomes innovators, entrepreneurs, students, nonprofits and philanthropists to present fresh ideas to advance healthcare, enabling them to showcase projects with the investors, incubators and partners who can help bring them to market. 

The CharmHealth Innovation Challenge specifically targets the development of products or solutions related to digital health and the EHR domain. This focus allows CharmHealth to concentrate its resources and expertise in a particular realm, fostering innovation and advancements in the EHR and related landscapes.

This year, CharmHealth is accepting proposals in the following categories:

  • Hardware accelerated AI
  • Generative AI
  • Tech led innovations
  • Mobile health apps
  • Healthcare accessibility
  • Population health


For each of the six categories, CharmHealth offers cash prizes: $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place, and $2,500 for third place. Anyone can submit a proposal, and there is no entry fee.

Pramila Srinivasan, CEO, CharmHealth: ''We believe that some of the best ideas for improving healthcare come from out-of-the-box thinking. With the Innovation Challenge, we provide a home for novel solutions and the mechanisms to turn them into viable products that can transform an industry and positively affect lives. We’ve already received exceptional proposals, but there is never a shortage of good ideas. We are committed to helping the best find the support they need through our extensive ecosystem, and we are thrilled that so many Challenge alumni will be returning for this year’s event to advise the finalists.''

As part of the Innovation Challenge, CharmHealth provides access to resources, educational materials, funding and mentorship to assist entrepreneurs in refining their product offerings and enhancing their market readiness. CharmHealth then opens its extensive ecosystem of support to offer connections to potential clients, users and partners within the healthcare industry -  both at the event and through CharmHealthApps, CharmHealth’s own health IT marketplace.

To participate in the CharmHealth Innovation Challenge, interested individuals, startups and organizations may submit their proposals here, free of charge. The submission period closes on Aug 5, 2024. All submissions will be carefully evaluated by a panel of esteemed judges with expertise in healthcare technology and innovation.


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