Canadian venture creation studio TandemLaunch announces initial $27m closing of Ventures IV Fund

Canadian venture creation studio TandemLaunch announces initial $27m closing of Ventures IV Fund

Published: 12-07-2024 08:16:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 1716 | Tags:

TandemLaunch, a Canadian venture creation studio and seed fund specializing in university technology transfers,  announced the first close of TandemLaunch Ventures Fund IV (TLVIV), for initial proceeds of over $27 million CAD. With a robust focus on deep tech and sustainability, TLVIV represents a significant milestone in TandemLaunch's commitment to fostering innovation and supporting entrepreneurs. The fund garnered support from lead investors BDC Capital and Fonds de solidarité FTQ, and over 30 family offices and angel investors domestically and internationally, many of whom have been long term investors.

Led by Helge Seetzen and Émilie Boutros and managed by a multidisciplinary and diverse team, TandemLaunch has a distinguished track record of identifying and nurturing disruptive technologies, originally developed in university laboratories from all over the world, to prepare them for exponential growth. TLVIV will continue the mission of driving transformative change by providing capital and strategic guidance to companies in cutting-edge fields.

Helge Seetzen, CEO and Managing Partner, TandemLaunch: "One of the greatest challenges of a technology business is to remain at the forefront of innovation. I'm extremely proud of our ability to identify and nurture technologies from around the globe and turn them into thriving leading edge businesses. With TLVIV, we are now putting even more emphasis on new emerging sectors such as sustainability and climate tech. This provides us with the opportunity to further our vision of partnering with exceptional founders to create companies that are reshaping industries and pushing the boundaries of technological progress.''

Kristina D'Amico, Director, Fund Investments, BDC Capital: "We are pleased to once again support TandemLaunch's unique value creation model in Canada. Since its inception, TandemLaunch has been a champion in promoting diversity within its organization, as well as within the highly technical companies it creates, and has made a long-lasting positive impact on the startup ecosystem. A renewed commitment to Tandemlaunch aligns perfectly with our mission to support the country's most innovative firms right from their earliest stages and help them build sustainable fund franchises.''

The TandemLaunch model is unique in Canada. It is based on its ability to identify disruptive technologies that have significant international commercial potential. By bringing together the best talent and the necessary seed capital, TandemLaunch facilitates a swifter startup journey while mitigating the risks inherent in bringing new, innovative technologies to market.

As TandemLaunch embarks on this exciting new chapter with TLVIV, the firm looks forward to forging new partnerships and creating lasting value for its investors and the broader entrepreneurial and academic community.


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