Amsterdam based startup Zeta Alpha launches AI platform to help experts navigate new research

Amsterdam based startup Zeta Alpha launches AI platform to help experts navigate new research

Published: 22-09-2020 13:00:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 5596 | Tags:

Amsterdam based startup Zeta Alpha is launching AI Research Navigator, a new deep learning-based search platform, to help AI experts navigate new research.

Companies in all business sectors are competing to recruit top-notch AI teams, but are these investments productive? With millions worldwide working in AI now, and over 90% of mid-size and larger companies having specialized AI or Data Science teams, researchers and engineers in this field are literally drowning in the pace of innovation. 

Per day, an AI expert needs to scan several hundred new research publications to stay up to date. Leading researchers, like Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun, openly admit they find it impossible to keep up. 

Jakub Zavrel, Zeta Alpha founder, previously responsible for the successful recruitment scale-up Textkernel, started developing the tool to apply recent advances in neural language understanding to his own field: "I never understood why AI people do not take their own medicine for organising their research." 

He believes AI has the potential to help people make better decisions. "General academic search engines like Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic or Elsevier do not have enough AI focus, and popular open publication platforms like, lack modern search and recommendations," he adds. Zeta Alpha is currently working with researchers and startups at the University of Amsterdam as launching customers. 

While the acceleration of deep learning is clearly shown by the abilities of recent models such as OpenAI GPT-3, experts are divided on how the field will evolve. Will AI split into many specializations, or maintain its cross-disciplinary nature and fast pace of development? 

The last thing companies investing in AI want is that their highly paid expert teams miss the boat by betting on the wrong trends or technologies, because they cannot keep up with the pace of new research. Now AI is here to help.