AI cybersecurity startup Custocy taps Enea for embedded DPI

AI cybersecurity startup Custocy taps Enea for embedded DPI

Published: 11-09-2024 11:36:00 | By: Pie Kamau | hits: 523 | Tags:

Custocy, a pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for cybersecurity, announced it will embed Enea Qosmos deep packet inspection (DPI) and intrusion detection (IDS) software libraries in its AI-powered network detection and response (NDR) platform. This integration will enable Custocy to improve accuracy and performance and support product differentiation through detailed traffic visibility and streamlined data inspection.

Custocy uniquely uses layered, multi-temporal AI functions to detect immediate threats as well as persistent attacks. This approach streamlines the work of security analysts through attack path visualization, improved prioritization, workflow support and a radical reduction in the number of false-alarm alerts (‘false positives’). By integrating Enea software into their solution, Custocy will have the exceptional traffic data they need to extend and accelerate this innovation while meeting extreme performance demands. 

Enea’s deep packet inspection (DPI) engine, the Enea Qosmos ixEngine, is the most widely embedded DPI engine in the cybersecurity industry. While it has long played a vital role in a wide range of security functions, it is increasingly valued by security leaders today for the value it brings to AI innovation. With market-leading recognition of more than 4500 protocols and delivery of 5900 metadata, including unique indicators of anomaly, Qosmos ixEngine provides invaluable fuel for AI innovators like Custocy.

In addition, the Enea Qosmos Threat Detection SDK delivers a two-fold improvement in product performance by eliminating double packet processing for DPI and IDS, optimizing resources and streamlining overheads. And thanks to Enea Qosmos ixEngine’s packet acquisition and parsing library, parsing speed is accelerated while traffic insights are vastly expanded to fuel next-generation threat detection and custom rule development.

These enhancements are important as demand for high-performing NDR solutions has never been higher. NDR plays a pivotal role in detecting unknown and advanced persistent threats (APTs), which is a challenge certain to become even more daunting as threat actors adopt AI tools and techniques. Custocy is well-positioned to help private and public organizations meet this challenge with a unique technological core built on AI that has earned the company a string of awards, the latest being “Product of the Year” at Cyber Show Paris.
Jean-Pierre Coury, SVP, Embedded Security Business Group, Enea: ''Custocy has developed their solution from the ground up to exploit the unique potential of AI to enhance advanced threat detection and security operations. AI is truly woven into their DNA, and I look forward to the additional value they will deliver to their customers as they leverage the enhanced data foundation delivered by Enea software to support their continuous AI innovation.''
Sebastien Sivignon, CEO, Custocy: ''We are thrilled to join forces with Enea to offer our customers the highest level of network intrusion detection. The Enea Qosmos ixEngine is the industry gold standard for network traffic data. It offers a level of accuracy and depth conventional DPI and packet sniffing tools cannot match. Having such a rich source of clean, well-structured, ready-to-use data
 will enable us to dramatically improve our performance, work more efficiently and devote maximum time to AI model innovation.''


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